The GRACE Project Gala is coming soon!
Join us on Friday, October 3rd for our annual Gala. You won't want to miss it! Additional information will be provided at a later date.
The GRACE Project is funded by our annual fundraising gala, Grace Community Church, and other donors.
Since COVID we have seen our programs increase in numbers significantly and our costs have more than doubled. All donations are used to fully fund these various programs and greatly appreciated. Corporate Sponsorships are accepted as well, please contact Cindy at cindy@mygcc.org for more information.
Backpack Food Program
This program provides food for students who may be considered at risk for "Weekend Hunger" during the school year. We are excited to be able to offer this program to all qualified students in K - 12th Grade, we currently serve over 500 students each weekend during the school year.
Mental Health Counseling
The GRACE Project offers free Mental Health Counseling to qualified students in Kindergarten - 12th Grade through Grace Counseling Services.
Performing Arts Support
The GRACE project is active in our schools - currently providing musical instrument scholarships to 20 children and donating instruments to several others. The GRACE Project assists students who need instruments to participate in band and instrumental clubs, as well as scholarships for other fees associated with performing arts programs.
Christmas Outreach
The GRACE Project is honored to provide up to 400 qualified SVSD students each year with Christmas Gifts through our Christmas Outreach Gift Shop.
About Us
The GRACE Project, in partnership with The Lighthouse Foundation, began with one project called the Full Table Backpack Program in the fall of 2015. The program began with the hope to come alongside families in the Seneca Valley School District whose children may find themselves at risk of 'Weekend Hunger'. These students receive free or reduced breakfast and lunches during the school year. We are excited to offer this program for students in K - 12th grades in all SVSD schools. The program is located at Grace Community Church in Cranberry Township. Each week we pack over 500 weekend food packs and then our drivers deliver to the various schools for them to distribute in a confidential manner to students on their campuses.
The GRACE Project also has a program to come along students exploring Performing Arts through Band or Strings Programs at SVSD who do not have the financial needs to rent instruments. Qualified students are eligible for rental assistance to allow them to participate in these programs.
We find many of our families struggle to provide Christmas gifts for their students each year. Through the GRACE Project's Christmas Outreach program we are able to provide 400+ students gifts each year.
In the fall of 2023, The GRACE Project made available Mental Health Counseling through our counseling program for qualified students to receive up to 15 weeks of counseling to be paid for by the GRACE Project when utilizing the Grace Counseling Services.
The GRACE Project's goal is to come alongside these families and provide other resources and programs that will assist them in other ways as well.